Chief Nursing Officers’ Challenges 2025; Project RED Solutions

Chief Nursing Officers’ Challenges 2025; Project RED Solutions

Wednesday 5 March at 9:00 AM PST / 12:00 PM EST / 17:00 WET 

with David R Renfro, Deputy Nurse Executive for Clinical Practice, VA Palo Alto health care and Irving Stackpole, President, Stackpole & Associates 

The role of nursing leadership has become more demanding, and certainly more complex as we launch into 2025. Demographics, economics, workforce recruitment and development are all competing for the attention of the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO).

Patient experience emerged as the top priority in a recent Becker’s Hospital Review poll, with 50% of respondents ranking it above staff well-being (29%) and health equity (13%). (1)

The American Organization of Nursing Leadership (AONL) longitudinal report 2025 (2) highlighted four key areas nurse managers want to focus on:

  • A healthy work environment
  • Leadership development
  • Identifying new leaders early
  • Addressing role complexity

The mounting challenges today are staff recruitment and retention, financial resource availability and workplace violence. The AONL report and other polls and surveys show the need for solutions, such as interdisciplinary collaboration, attentiveness to direct care nurses and work-life balance.

There can be no single solution to all these issues, but Project RED offers CNOs a platform on which several of these challenges can be addressed simultaneously. 

Launched in 2010 and based on AHRQ approved standards of care, Project RED delivers actionable interventions that address:

  • Patient experience – patients report significantly higher satisfaction with their healthcare experience when the Project RED principles are applied to their care transitions
  • Staff experience – nurses and other care management professionals report higher levels of satisfaction when Project RED solutions are implemented
  • Leadership – using demonstrated quality improvement principles (TQM/CQI) Project RED measurably improves clinical outcomes, reduces costs and increases patient and staff satisfaction.

This webinar will delve into the opportunities to apply Project RED  in a complex nursing environment  and to realize for your nursing staff . 

In 2025, CNOs aim to strengthen nursing leadership pipelines and improve working environments and overall organizational effectiveness. These priorities reflect the complex challenges facing nursing executives as they navigate workforce, financial, technological, and leadership issues in an evolving healthcare delivery landscape.

Join us for this free webinar and discover how Project RED Solutions can be your platform for success 2025!


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