Endometrial Polyps (Uterine Polyps): Signs and Symptoms

Endometrial Polyps (Uterine Polyps): Signs and Symptoms

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Endometrial polyps (or uterine polyps) are small fingerlike growths inside your uterus (womb). You can have one or multiple polyps, ranging in size from a small seed (a few millimeters) to a golf ball (several centimeters).

Endometrial polyps are common, affecting about 40% of people with uteruses. They are rarely cancerous.

Many people with endometrial polyps have no symptoms, but possible symptoms include abnormal menstrual bleeding, stomach pain, or trouble getting pregnant.

The most common symptom of endometrial polyps is abnormal bleeding, which means bleeding that is not typical for you. About 68% of people with endometrial polyps will experience abnormal bleeding.

Abnormal bleeding caused by endometrial polyps may look like:

  • Bleeding between periods
  • Spotting or light bleeding between periods
  • Experiencing heavier-than-normal periods
  • Experiencing periods that last more days than usual
  • Having bleeding or periods that come at different times than normal

While endometrial polyps can cause abnormal bleeding in people of all ages, it’s slightly more common for people who have reached menopause (stopped having periods) or perimenopause (the transition to menopause). Endometrial polyps are most common in people aged 40-49, likely due to hormonal changes.

If you experience any bleeding after menopause, you should promptly talk to your healthcare provider. Endometrial polyps are rarely cancerous, but if you are older, your healthcare provider may want to do a biopsy to check the polyp for cancerous cells.

Having endometrial polyps can sometimes make it harder to get pregnant or stay pregnant. Experts aren’t entirely sure why, but since endometrial polyps are in your uterus, they may make it more difficult for a fertilized egg to implant itself in your uterine wall.

Endometrial polyps may make it harder for sperm to enter your uterus. The polyps may also cause inflammation, which can make implantation of a fertilized egg more difficult.

If you have endometrial polyps and are having trouble getting pregnant, your provider may recommend a hysteroscopic polypectomy, a minimally invasive procedure to remove your endometrial polyps.

Though less common, some people may experience pain from endometrial polyps. The pain typically presents in the abdominal area (stomach) or pelvic area (lower stomach area, where the uterus, bladder, and genitals are). It may feel like a dull ache or like period cramps.

Most polyps are not chronic, meaning they don’t last for long periods. However, they sometimes return after being removed. Chronic endometrial polyps have the same symptoms as any other endometrial polyp, including abnormal bleeding or trouble getting pregnant.

If you have small endometrial polyps that aren’t causing any symptoms, they may go away on their own. Some healthcare providers leave endometrial polyps alone if they aren’t causing symptoms or bothering you.

There are some cases where endometrial polyps need to be removed. If you are having trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant, your healthcare provider may recommend a hysteroscopic polypectomy.

Hormonal treatments can also help eliminate endometrial polyps. These may include taking oral progesterone or hormonal birth control pills.

Most endometrial polyps do not return after treatment. Only about 2.5-3.7% of cases return.

If you have signs of irregular bleeding, heavy periods, bleeding between periods, pain, or trouble getting pregnant, you should reach out to your healthcare provider. Here are some questions to consider asking them:

  • How do I know if these symptoms are caused by an endometrial polyp or something else?
  • If I have an endometrial polyp, will I have to get it removed?
  • Will removing my endometrial polyp help me get pregnant?
  • Will removing my endometrial polyp decrease my abnormal bleeding?
  • What does removal of endometrial polyps involve?

Endometrial polyps are fingerlike growths inside of your uterus. Endometrial polyps are common and often don’t cause symptoms. They are rarely cancerous.

Endometrial polyps can cause symptoms like irregular periods and bleeding, bleeding between periods, trouble getting pregnant, and pain. Some people experience no symptoms, and the polyps may go away on their own.

Your provider may recommend endometrial polyp removal in some cases, especially if you are having trouble getting pregnant or experiencing abnormal bleeding.

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