Experiencing pain in your right shoulder? Doctor explains it can be a warning sign for gallstones | Health
February 3, 2025 | by Tapatrisha Das

Gallstones are deposits of cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium salts that deposit in the gall bladder and can be the size of a grain of sand to a golf ball. They are usually accompanied by pain the abdomen, nausea, fever, jaundice and coloured stool and urine. However, sometimes, a shoulder pain can also denote gallstones. Also read | Gallstones: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Sandeep Aggarwal, Chairman – Manipal Institute of Minimal Access, Bariatric, GI & Robotic Surgery, Manipal Hospital Dwarka, New Delhi said, “Shoulder pain can occasionally be a symptom of gallstones, however, extreme shoulder pain in the absence of abdominal pain is uncommon. Isolated severe right shoulder pain is unlikely to be due to gallstones. The usual symptoms of gallstones include severe pain in the right side and the center of the upper abdomen, usually below the right rib cage margin. Sometimes, this pain can be referred to the region of the right shoulder. This happens as a result of the irritation of the phrenic nerve due to inflammation of the gall bladder.”
What kind of shoulder pain is a sign of gallstone?
“Of course, there can be other causes of shoulder pain like pleuritis, pneumonia, fluid collection below the diaphragm besides causes related to shoulder itself. Referred pain in this situation means there is no continuity of pain in the abdomen and shoulder signifying pain is perceived in a region (e.g., the shoulder) that is not the actual site of the problem which can be the gallbladder. In most instances, pain in both the abdomen and the shoulder might not be simultaneous, making it difficult to diagnose,” Dr. Sandeep Aggarwal explained. Also read | Myths about gallstones: Is normal life possible after removing gallbladder?

Additional symptoms to be aware of:
Indigestion or bloating: A feeling of fullness or discomfort in the upper abdomen after eating food, particularly after eating fatty food items like meat and dairy.
Dark-colored urine or light-colored stool: This can also signify that the gallstones are obstructing common bile duct.
Intense nausea: This can happen due to irritation of the digestive system.
Fever: Chills and fever might be present if the gallbladder becomes infected
Gallstone-induced pancreatitis: A severe condition caused by a gallstone obstructing the pancreatic duct including severe pain in the center of abdomen and vomiting. Also read | Are gallstones linked to an increased risk of Gallbladder Cancer (GBC)? Health expert answers
How to treat gallstones?
Dietary recommendation: A low-fat diet while the patient is waiting for surgery can help prevent complications.
Gallbladder removal surgery: This is a common treatment for gallstones done via laparoscopy or Robotic cholecystectomy.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
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