FDA Updates MadeGood Recall That Affected More Than 2.4 Million Cases of Granola Bars

FDA Updates MadeGood Recall That Affected More Than 2.4 Million Cases of Granola Bars

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MadeGood granola bars recalled in December 2024 have received a class II recall classification from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency shared Tuesday.

On Dec. 9, 2024, Riverside Natural Foods, Inc. voluntarily recalled 2,408,883 cases of MadeGood granola bars due to a potential safety hazard, the company said in a news release.

Certain granola bar products—including the company’s chocolate chip granola bars and mixed berry granola bars, among others—carried the “very small risk” of containing a piece of metal.

The affected granola bars were made between January and November 2024, and distributed throughout Canada, the United States, and other international markets, the company said.


According to the MadeGood website, certain granola bars were recalled due to the potential presence of metal. The company said the piece of metal was a “small, flat brush bristle.”

MadeGood received “seven complaints out of the hundreds of millions of bars sold.” No injuries were reported and the recall was voluntarily initiated as a precautionary measure.

At the time of the initial recall announcement, the company said it had conducted an extensive investigation that identified and remedied the issue.

Certain batches of MadeGood granola bars that were produced between January and November 2024 were part of the recall. See below for the full list of products, along with their best by dates and product codes.

Product Size UPC Best By Date
Chocolate Chip Granola Bars 34 oz (40 bars) X002FK5HCF 05/03/2025 up to and including 12/06/2025
53.55 oz (63 bars) 10687456216055 08/05/2025; 10/25/2025
5.1 oz (6 bars) 10687456216055 08/05/2025; 10/25/2025
10.2 oz (12 bars) 687456213057 05/03/2025 up to and including 01/16/2026 and 02/01/2026
20.4 oz (24 bars) 687456214115 05/10/2025; 05/11/2025; 06/13/2025; 06/28/2025; 06/29/2025; 07/01/2025; 07/05/2025; 07/06/2025; 07/07/2025; 08/04/2025; 08/05/2025; 09/09/2025; 09/10/2025; 09/22/2025; 09/232025; 10/12/2025; 10/13/2025; 12/19/2025; 12/20/2025; 12/21/2025; 12/22/2025; 01/11/2026; 01/12/2026; 01/13/2026; 02/07/2026; 02/08/2026; 02/21/2026
5.1 oz (6 bars) 687456215587 05/10/2025 up to and including 02/21/2026 and 02/25/2026
0.85 oz 00687456215792 02/01/2026
Chocolate Chip Granola Mini Bars 0.42 oz 687456211213 11/02/2025; 11/03/2025
Chocolate Banana Granola Bars 5.1 oz (6 bars) 687456213088 05/11/2025 up to and including 01/17/2026
0.85 oz 687456211084 02/17/2025; 02/22/2025; 03/24/2025; 03/25/2025 and all best by dates from 05/11/2025 up to and including 01/17/2026
Mixed Berry Granola Bars  34 oz (40 bars) X002FK87OZ 10/04/2025; 11/23/2025; 11/24/2025
34 oz (40 bars) 10687456216475 10/04/2025; 11/24/2025
5.1 oz (6 bars) 687456213064 05/22/2025 up to and including 12/30/2025 and 02/11/2026
5. 1 oz (6 bars) 00687456215808 07/19/2025; 09/08/2025; 09/16/2025; 01/19/2026
Strawberry Granola Bars 30.6 oz (36 bars) X00485O4XN 09/06/2025; 10/03/2025; 11/22/2025
5.1 oz (6 bars) 687456215983 09/06/2025; 10/03/2025; 11/22/2025; 01/18/2026
0.85 oz 687456923857 09/06/2025; 10/03/2025; 11/22/2025; 01/18/2026
Cookies & Creme Granola Bars 30.6 oz (36 bars) X002H3FXVZ 05/29/2025 up to and including 10/27/2025 
5.1 oz (6 bars) 687456213743 05/29/2025 up to and including 12/26/2025 and 02/10/2026
0.85 oz 687456211145 05/29/2025 up to and including 12/26/2025 and also 02/10/2026
Halloween Chocolate Chip Granola Mini Bars  12.6 oz (30 bars)  687456216508 11/02/2025; 11/03/2025 
0.42 oz 687456211213 1/02/2025; 11/03/2025
Chocolate Drizzled Birthday Cake Granola Bars 25.5 oz (30 bars)  X002SSIRIF  01/09/2025 up to and including 06/16/2025
4.2 oz (5 bars) 687456214160 01/09/2025 up to and including 09/21/2025
17 oz (20 bars) 687456215594 03/05/2025 up to and including 07/25/2025
8.5 oz (10 bars) 687456215709 01/09/2025 up to and including 09/04/2025
4.2 oz (5 bars) 00687456215815 04/25/2025; 08/29/2025; 05/17/2025
0.85 oz 687456914169 12/12/2024 up to and including 09/21/2025
Chocolate Drizzled Cookie Crumble Granola Bars 4.2 oz (5 bars)  687456214177  01/04/2025 up to and including 09/15/2025 
25.5 oz (30 bars) X002SSOR5H 01/05/2025 up to and including 06/02/2025
0.85 oz 687456914176 01/04/2025 up to and including 09/15/2025
Chocolate Drizzled Granola Bars Variety Pack 25.5 oz (30 bars) X002SSNEF1 01/05/2025 up to and including 07/12/2025
Holiday Sprinkles Chocolate Drizzled Granola Mini Bars 10.5 oz (25 bars) 687456214696 08/15/2025; 08/22/2025
0.42 oz N/A 08/15/2025; 08/22/2025
Chocolate Drizzled Vanilla Granola Bars 25.5 oz (30 bars) X002SSLE1R 02/14/2025; 03/08/2025; 05/10/2025; 06/25/2025
4.2 oz (5 bars) 687456214153 02/14/2025 up to and including 08/06/2025 and 09/17/2025
0.85 oz 687456914152 01/05/2025 up to and including 08/06/2025 and 09/17/2025
MadeGood Variety Pack 37 count X0043RL9KR  12/12/2024 up to and including 07/16/2025
7 count B079LY41VY 02/17/2025; 02/22/2025; 03/24/2025; 03/25/2025

MadeGood granola bars were distributed throughout Canada, the U.S., and other international markets, the company said.

The granola bars are commonly sold online and in various retail stores. According to the company’s website, MadeGood products can be found on Amazon, and at Target, Whole Foods, Wegmans, and CVS stores, among others.

The FDA classifies recalls on a scale of class I to class III:

  • Class I: The most severe classification, these recalls mean there’s a “reasonable probability that the use of or exposure to a violative product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”
  • Class II: These recalls involve products that “may cause temporary or medically reversible adverse health consequences or where the probability of serious adverse health consequences is remote.”
  • Class III: The least severe classification, these recalls involve a product that “is not likely to cause adverse health consequences.”

The MadeGood granola bar recall was given a class II classification. Though the product may cause “temporary or medically reversible” health consequences if ingested, the risk of serious injury is remote.

MadeGood recommends customers check their products against the list of recalled items to see if they have any granola bars affected by the recall.

If you have any of the recalled granola bars in your pantry, the company said you can return them to the store where they were purchased to receive a full refund.

If you think you’ve eaten a recalled granola bar, no need to worry—no injuries have been reported in connection to the recall, the company said.

Additionally, if you have any further questions about the recall or updated FDA classification, MadeGood suggested consumers contact the MadeGood Consumer Hotline at 855-215-5695 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST, or visit the MadeGood website.

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