Your Daily Horoscope for February 3, 2025

February 2, 2025 | by Stefanie Iris Weiss

Your daily horoscope is here to remind you that words are spells. With communication maven Mercury in Aquarius making a friendly trine to lucky Jupiter in chatty Gemini, it’s time to walk your talk. And because bold, badass Jupiter is waking up from its long retrograde late tonight (and early in the morning), you can build even more buzz for your message: this Monday was made for saying what you mean so that your stated (or written) intentions come to life. Whether you create a business plan, write a journal entry, or text a friend, make sure the universe hears your plans.

Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2025 romance horoscope.


March 21–April 19
Daily horoscope image with Aries zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

With a powerful alignment between Mercury in your communal zone and Jupiter in your third house of talking and thinking, your dreams come true when you share them with the group chat. This is one of your best Mondays for networking in a long while, Aries, so get busy wowing the crowd.


April 20–May 20
Daily horoscope image with Taurus zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

The planet of conversation is in your career zone and high-fiving Jupiter in your financial zone, which is just about as good as it sounds, Taurus. Talking about how much money you want to make from a professional project and mapping out your plans could be fortunate for you today.


May 21–June 20
Daily Gemini horoscope image with Gemini zodiac sign against a rainbow pattern.

You’ve been hosting the planet of luck in your own sign since last May, and today your planetary ruler Mercury is hugging it out with the planet of luck. This couldn’t be better news for you, Gemini, especially because Jupiter’s retrograde ends tonight, setting you free to seize the day and make the next five months incredibly auspicious.


June 21–July 22
Daily Cancer horoscope image with Cancer zodiac sign against a rainbow pattern.

Communication planet Mercury is in your eighth house of desire, and today it gets chummy with Jupiter in your dream zone, Cancer. This can turn up your fantasies, making you nostalgic for past lovers and sending you into reveries about current (or wished-for) lovers. And the fringe benefit is that your wishes might just be the stars’ command this time.


July 23–August 22
Daily horoscope image with Leo zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

With Mercury in your relationship zone palling around with Jupiter in your social zone, this is an excellent day for chatting with both friends and lovers, Leo. Whether you’re dropping into the group chat to share something silly or significant, or whispering a sweet nothing into your bae’s ear, what you say has extra resonance.


August 23–September 22
Daily horoscope image with Virgo zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Your planetary ruler Mercury is hanging out in your work and wellness zone, currently kickin’ it with lucky Jupiter in your tenth house—AKA, your status sector. This is one of the most fabulous moments of the month for your career, Virgo. If you want to take a professional project to the next level, talk or write about it today.


September 23–October 22
Daily horoscope image with Libra zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

With Mercury in your love zone flirting with Jupiter in your house of spiritual adventure, you may be inspired to share your biggest, most out-there ideas with a lover or long-term partner. If you’ve dreamt of a romantic vacation with bae during 2025, this is the moment to say it out loud, Libra.


October 23–November 21
Daily horoscope image with Scorpio zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

The communication planet is in your home zone making googly eyes at audacious Jupiter in your sexuality sector, Scorpio. This is a moment to state your desire and say it loud and proud to your live-in lover or someone that you’d like to come over, stat.


November 22–December 21
Daily horoscope image with Sagittarius zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

Now that Mercury is in your communication zone sending a friendly shoutout to your ruler Jupiter in your relationship zone, it’s time to have that important conversation with your partner, Sagittarius. Or, just say I love you. If you’re single and searching, talking, or writing about what you want, you can make your wishes come true IRL.


December 22–January 19
Daily horoscope image with Capricorn zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

The planet in charge of talking, thinking, and texting is in your second house of finances in a friendly position vis-à-vis Jupiter in your work zone. In short, this is excellent news for all things career and money-related, Capricorn. It’s ideal for asking for a raise, discussing budgets, chatting about a coveted future purchase, or just dropping that pretty item directly in a cart.


January 20–February 18
Daily horoscope image with an Aquarius zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

As Mercury in your sign winks at lucky Jupiter in your love zone today, talking about your desires feels good and gets results, Aquarius. This is a confidence boost and an aphrodisiac, and the more you share, the easier it might get for you to ask what you want from a lover.


February 19–March 20
Daily horoscope image with Pisces zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

With chatty Mercury in your dream zone beaming at the planet of good fortune in your fourth house of domestic affairs, this is a beautiful moment for manifestation, Pisces, especially when it comes to your family and home. You might find that talking about events and issues from your past is easier right now, and quite healing.

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