Stop Ageing With Top 7 Anti-Ageing Superfoods

Stop Ageing With Top 7 Anti-Ageing Superfoods
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Do you want to look beautiful and young forever? If yes, then you are certainly not alone. We are living in a day and age where everyone is so conscious about their looks. If you desire, you can stop ageing and erase years from your face. The key to ageing gracefully is very simple – “EAT HEALTHY”.

Ageing is a normal, natural process, and we are all doing it. What most of us want though, is to age well. Although various anti-ageing creams and products are available in the market which may make you look better from the outside it would be far better to improve the diet you are putting into your body. Here, I am going to reveal some of the anti-ageing superfoods that will promote cell regeneration for new skin.

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Stop Ageing with BLUEBERRIES

These little blue wonders are not only delicious but contain more antioxidants than most fruits and veggies. They provide protection against the skin-damaging free radicals that result from sun exposure and stress. So they are the best free-radical scavengers. Also helps in preventing the cell structure damage that leads to loss of firmness, fine lines and wrinkles. Just add them to your oatmeal, to a smoothie or your cereal every day. So, stop ageing with darker black and blue coloured berries. They provide the best anti-ageing benefits because they have the highest concentration of antioxidants.

Cherries, Blackberries, Strawberries and Cranberries also possess the same properties.


Being rich in unsaturated fats, vitamins and antioxidants, nuts are capable of making your skin look supple, healthy and young! Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios and Brazil nuts could do wonders to stop ageing. They are considered to be excellent superfoods to prevent skin damage. Daily consumption of these tiny, nutrient-packed powerhouses may help in reducing the severity of facial wrinkles.

Make sure to eat them raw and unsalted, not in your ice creams and chocolates. They can be included in your diet in many ways. Just sprinkle a mix of nuts on top of your salads, or eat a handful as a snack whenever you feel like munching or perhaps a little hungry in between meals.

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O my COD !! Fish can be great for your health but cod is especially good for its anti-aging properties. It contains selenium, which safeguards your skin from sun damage and cancer. The cod fish is an excellent source of vitamin E, D and omega-3 fatty acids. All these factors help in reducing inflammation, protecting your skin against free radical damage and giving it a healthier and plumper look. Cod fish oil may be the true elixir of youth, according to new evidence of its effect on biological ageing.

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This healthy brew contains EGCG (type of catechins) which helps in preventing hyperpigmentation. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea help to get rid of dark spots and blemishes on the skin. It gives a glowing and brighter complexion naturally. Green tea also contains Vitamin C which is known for its ability to help even skin tone and renew the look of beautiful skin.
Green tea is essential in maintaining collagen levels for youthful skin structure and firmness. It also acts as an intense hydrator for dry or imbalanced skin.


Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids. It is essential for heart health and highly beneficial in keeping skin rosy and supple. Olive oil as a dietary oil choice is uniquely helpful for the skin and helps stop ageing. Simply substituting olive oil for other dietary oils may give you a slightly better edge over wrinkles, and sun spots, and help in keeping your skin healthy and attractive.

When applied to the skin, antioxidants may prevent premature ageing. You may also use it to exfoliate the face and body. Just mix olive oil and sea salt to make a scrub and treat areas of dry or scaly skin. Opt for a quality extra virgin olive oil without chemical additives.

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Research has shown that drinking wine occasionally can help in slowing down the ageing process as it contains resveratrol, a polyphenol which stops ageing skin and other age-related diseases.
A glass of red wine a day, especially organic dry red wine, is found to enhance skin elasticity. It is also known for minimizing facial pores, removing acne and preventing potential breakouts as it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties too.

Stop Ageing

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This sinfully delicious food has several powerful health benefits and helps people look decades younger. Its flavonoids keep skin soft and glowing. Dark chocolate can also increase circulation in the skin and improve its ability to retain moisture, which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. One more reason to indulge is that good quality cacao dark chocolate provides antioxidants which help reduce inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to UV light. But don’t forget, moderation is the key. Eating like a kid may make you feel young but it won’t help your body do the same.

ALSO READ- Homemade Chocolate Face Packs For All Skin Types

Remember, it’s never too late to start so make sure to load up on these anti-ageing foods to help you keep young.

Stay beautiful forever !!

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