Wow… do the years just fly by! I can’t believe that it’s been over 10 years since I started the blog in 2013, and now 2024 is almost over.
Around this time of year, I’m very introspective and love to plan for the future. My husband and I write an annual Christmas letter, and we tend to slow down and gather with family and friends. I love this time of year and think of it as an opportunity to reflect, let go of the past, dream, and plan for the future.
As we head into New Year’s Eve, I wanted to send a quick note to wish you a happy and healthy New Year, as well as share a few updates!
Personal Note
If you’ve been following me for a bit, you may know that I started the website after getting myself into remission from Hashimoto’s back in 2013. I left my job as a public health pharmacist to focus on spreading the word on how to heal from Hashimoto’s full time later that year, and have been on an incredible journey, going from a conventionally trained pharmacist working in corporate, eating the Standard American Diet and dealing with exhaustion, anxiety, and daily pain, to someone that began following her own path.
I focused on root cause medicine to heal myself. The passion for my own healing (plus the extra energy after I shed the fatigue), led me to create a whole host of innovative resources for others with Hashimoto’s!
Since that time, I have lived in four different states (Illinois, Colorado, California, and now Texas), two different countries (a year in the Netherlands and even short bouts in Poland), and have become a mother. I have also helped clients and family members overcome some unique health challenges, and have even faced some challenges myself.
My understanding of the world, thyroid illness, and how to heal has certainly evolved since that time, and you may have seen some glimmers of me sharing my various insights in my articles, social media posts, and podcasts.
Healing Update…
Over the past few years, I have shared that my little family and I have had some health challenges. Fortunately for my husband and our son, most of them resolved when we moved to sea level (see my post from December 2021)!
This past year, I shared about how we were able to help my son overcome eczema, and I started to share a bit about my own fertility journey.
I have always wanted to have more children, but sometime around the start of the pandemic, I began to have some bizarre symptoms: my menstrual cycles occurred every two weeks, I had anxiety and insomnia, and I had a 20-pound weight gain that seemed to have happened overnight!
I wasn’t sure what was going on… was it stress? The new virus? Perimenopause? Mold exposure?
I had been so focused on the health of my family that I initially only used band-aid approaches like taking progesterone for my hormones… but it turned out it wasn’t actually perimenopause.
At the beginning of this year, I learned that I was actually experiencing symptoms of premature ovarian dysfunction. (I also had an occurrence of this when I was in my 20s, and had successfully reversed it with DHEA.)
This year, I wrote myself a little mantra on a wall that said, “I healed myself once, I can heal myself again.”
Earlier this year, I underwent a procedure known as ovarian rejuvenation for premature ovarian dysfunction, and my cycles have since normalized, even without using hormones. I’ve also been exploring additional root cause approaches to fertility, and plan to do more in the new year. My son has been asking for a sibling (and for a puppy), and hopefully, we can make that happen soon. I will keep you posted on my ongoing journey!
Last year, I shared that I had also been experiencing some new inflammation and weight gain!
I have tried numerous things to optimize my weight and lower inflammation, in order to get to my baseline weight — and in the fall, I finally cracked the code on the issue, seemingly turning on a weight loss switch in three days (without fasting, Ozempic, or extreme exercise ;-)). Funny enough, the methods were similar to what I had shared in my first book, Hashimoto’s: the Root Cause! I share more about this in my article on losing weight with Hashimoto’s.
I have also had more time to focus on aesthetics since becoming a mom! I have noticed that methylene blue has made my nails grow crazy fast and strong, and I’m working with facial acupuncture. I also finally found an awesome hairdresser in Austin, so my inner Leo is happy and ready to get back into the spotlight!
In the past two years, I’ve been a guest on many different podcasts, and it made me realize how much I love having meaningful conversations… so, I decided to create my own podcast! I’ll be sharing all things thyroid-related, as well as interviewing experts I personally trust on topics like perimenopause, weight loss, fertility, and natural beauty. I’ll also be discussing the root causes of a few different conditions I have come to learn about in the last decade — ulcerative colitis, IBS, asthma, and eczema are just a few of the many topics I’m excited to share with you! The podcast will come out next year, so if you have topics you would like me to cover, or have guests you think I should interview, let me know.
In many cases, podcasts can be a quicker conversation compared to my books and researched articles. Many of my articles have taken me months to write, and some have even taken me a few years to write and research! In the past year, with my son now in school, I released a whole bunch of new articles that were in my editing files for quite some time.
New Articles in 2024
- Why Thyroid Antibodies Matter: This article was very important to me, as I’ve heard medical professionals say that thyroid antibodies don’t matter! They say you do not need to lower them, because they don’t actually attack thyroid tissue. Respectfully, I disagree, and in this article I go through the research that shows that the presence of thyroid antibodies has deleterious effects on our health, even when our TSH levels are normal.
- What You Need to Know About Central Hypothyroidism: A low TSH in the presence of normal or low T4/T3 levels can leave patients and doctors baffled — this is known as central hypothyroidism. Because many people may experience it, even as a transient (temporary) condition, I wanted to write this article to share some thoughts on what may be behind central hypothyroidism, what it looks like, and how to approach treatment.
- A-Z Symptoms of Thyroid Disease: Thyroid disease can present with many symptoms, and symptoms can even fluctuate between hyper- and hypothyroid. I wrote this article because I think it’s super important to help people understand their symptoms so that they can get to their root causes and heal.
- Vitamin B6 and Hashimoto’s: B6 is an important vitamin in our bodies, yet deficiencies are common and can cause mood- and behavior-related symptoms, including depression and disturbed sleep, as well as other health issues. Addressing depletions like B6 can be a game-changer in many ways — especially when it comes to balancing stress, mood, and gut health. I wrote this article to help you understand how B6 works in the body and how it helps Hashimoto’s. I also wanted to share information about pyroluria, which is a condition that can happen when you have a co-occurring B6 and zinc deficiency.
- Nursing Mother’s Formulary: I nursed my son for almost four years, and the first six months were incredibly (and unexpectedly) difficult. It turns out there are a lot of potential challenges specific to Hashimoto’s that women may face when it comes to breastfeeding. Throughout my nursing relationship with my baby, I learned so much that I started to make a list to share with you, which eventually turned into this article!
- Gut Microbiome Dysbiosis and Hashimoto’s: Researchers have connected intestinal permeability to every case of autoimmune disease, including Hashimoto’s. Along with nutrient deficiencies and reactive foods (such as gluten), the most common triggers for intestinal permeability that I see in my clinical practice include intestinal infections like Blasto, H. pylori, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), stress, digestive enzyme deficiencies, and an imbalance of gut bacteria – often called gut dysbiosis. Gut dysbiosis has been getting a lot of attention lately, and my new article shares some new research and protocols!
- Solutions for Constipation Relief: One common thread among my clients with developmental disabilities, the elderly, and those with Hashimoto’s, has always been… constipation! This new article is packed with practical solutions that are easy to implement for safe and effective constipation relief.
- Common Hashimoto’s Patterns Seen in the GI-MAP Test: Between 2017 and 2019, my team and I were able to collect and analyze the data from 298 GI-MAP stool tests. In the last few years, I’ve also poured through additional research as well as my peers’ own findings on gut health’s impact on the expression of various conditions. Now I want to share some of the data with my community, with the hope of identifying some new patterns common in Hashimoto’s and offering some helpful protocols to address them. For example, if you have Hashimoto’s, chronic hives, IBS, and/or multiple food sensitivities, you may have Blasto as an underlying root cause… If you can get rid of Blasto, you may be able to get your Hashimoto’s into remission (especially in the early stages, before damage to the thyroid occurs).
- Blood Sugar, Hashimoto’s, Ozempic, Metformin, and Berberine: Hashimoto’s has been linked with both blood sugar imbalances and diabetes. Metformin is the most commonly prescribed drug for type 2 diabetes (and is showing benefits for thyroid antibodies), but there are some risks and side effects. Meanwhile, berberine, a natural supplement, may support healthy blood sugar levels and metabolic health. It’s sometimes referred to as “nature’s Ozempic,” but that’s not necessarily 100 percent true. I wrote this article as a deep dive into blood sugar, Ozempic, berberine, metformin, and Hashimoto’s.
- How to Lose Weight with Hashimoto’s: While I had written about this topic in the past, I really did a deep dive in the last year, and this article now contains new perimenopause-friendly weight loss strategies that I have learned about and have used since my own struggles with weight the last several years.
- Carpal Tunnel and Hashimoto’s: Around the time I was initially diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I had multiple symptoms, including shooting pain in both my hands and arms. Eventually, I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and learned that it was linked with Hashimoto’s. Thankfully, I managed to resolve it, and I wanted to share this information with my clients and readers in the hopes that it may help them if they are also struggling with CTS.
Social Media
Some of my readers have expressed that they don’t like to read. I gotcha! If you’re looking for quick tips or videos, you can find me on social media.
- Quick tips: Join me on Instagram and TikTok for quick tips and behind-the-scenes lifestyle hacks (in IG stories) and recipes, like my gluten-free pierogi.
- Video + Q&A: Come say hello on Facebook, where I will be hosting a Facebook live on Nutrient Deficiencies on January 8th (with a Q&A).
Rootcology Updates
We outgrew our current warehouse, so we transitioned to a new inventory management system and warehouse in 2024 — what a project! We are all settled now, and this transition has also allowed some updates and improvements to Rootcology products:
- Product updates: Several products received formulation upgrades for improved potency, bioavailability, and flavor, but rest assured that each product meets the same high standards Rootcology has always had. Along with those updates, and our efforts to ensure that you have the best experience possible in utilizing Rootcology’s supplements, you may notice a change in capsule size, as well as some minor updates to the information on the label (for example, storage recommendations, general precautions, as well as other ingredients — due to new hypoallergenic capsule ingredient sources).
- Branding updates: Rootcology has a new look! Actually, it’s more of a return to our roots from when we first launched in 2017. We are still in the process of updating all products to a new look, including switching from glass containers to white plastic containers (to avoid broken glass shipping mishaps) and a fresh, white label.
I’m thrilled about these changes, and continuing to ensure that Rootcology’s high-quality and effective supplements reach those who need them, and are a helpful and reliable tool on your healing journey.
We released one new product this year, that I am personally super excited about, which has been in the works for a long time. We finally have Paleo Protein available in a delicious chocolate flavor!
I also created a new kit to support healthy weight management:
- Balance Kit: The Balance Kit was created to support healthy weight management, through a combination of nutrients, herbs, and resistant starches which are known for helping to support a normal appetite, promote balanced moods, support normal blood sugar metabolism, promote healthy bowel function, and maintain healthy energy levels and metabolic efficiency.*
Lastly, we finally introduced Rootcology gift cards this year — the perfect gift for the wellness lover in your life!
I had to put product development on hold during this transition, but believe me, I continue to scour the research to find potential solutions for people with thyroid conditions that I could put into supplement form.
What’s on the Horizon for 2025
I’m excited about the new resources I’ve been working on for the upcoming year!
New Articles
Here are the articles I hope to publish in 2025. As always, my newsletter subscribers will be the first to read them.
- OCD and Hashimoto’s: Did you know that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common anxiety disorder for people with Hashimoto’s? This article will focus on the strong link found between Hashimoto’s (elevated thyroid antibodies) and OCD, or developing OCD tendencies.
- GI-MAP Part 2: This will be a follow-up article to the Common Hashimoto’s Patterns Seen in the GI-MAP Test article. In the first article, we focus on common patterns found on the GI-MAP test, while this new article will dive deep into the pros and cons of the test, tell you how to collect your stool to get an accurate result, and walk you through the interpretation of the test.
- Can You Be Sensitive to Thyroid Medications? I have found that people with Hashimoto’s can be sensitive to even minuscule amounts of fillers in their thyroid medication. This can lead to inconsistent absorption and reactive symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, and acid reflux (these are just a few of the many possible symptoms). This article is meant to help you find out whether — and why — you may be sensitive to thyroid medications.
- Why I Changed My Mind About Liver Support: I’ve found new ways to use liver support, and I’m excited to share more with you!
- What to Do if You’ve Had a Thyroidectomy: This will be a follow-up article to Is Hashimoto’s a Surgical Disease?. I know that many people who have undergone a thyroidectomy struggle with ongoing thyroid symptoms. If this is you, I hope this article will help you understand your symptoms, as well as offer possible solutions to help you feel better.
- What You Need to Know as a Breastfeeding Hashi’s Mama: Women want to know whether their Hashimoto’s might be causing their difficulties with breastfeeding. They also want to know about the safety of different types of medications and supplements while lactating — including concerns relating to taking thyroid hormone medication itself. I promised I’d put some resources together focused on thyroid-safe breastfeeding, and that will be the focus of this article.
- How to Reduce TSH Naturally: This article will summarize years of my research, with all the strategies I know of for helping people reduce their TSH naturally.
- Vitamin A and Thyroid Health: In my clinical practice, I’ve found that many people with Hashimoto’s are deficient in this important nutrient, which makes complete sense when you understand the many risk factors for vitamin A deficiency, which often coincide closely with common root causes of Hashimoto’s! In this article, I’ll be talking about the risk factors of vitamin A deficiency and the steps you should take to determine if you’re at healthy, deficient, or potentially toxic levels.
- Copper Toxicity: Years ago, I experienced copper toxicity and found myself struggling as I tried to safely clear my body of this toxin. After some trial and error, I had to find other, more natural ways for my body to heal. Copper toxicity is a common root cause of Hashimoto’s that can contribute to insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, racing thoughts, and acne – yet conventional practitioners may not test for it when a patient presents with these types of symptoms. Keep an eye out for my article, where I’ll share information on causes, symptoms, and testing options, as well as how to combat copper toxicity.
- How to Get the Most Benefit from T4 Medication: T4 medications are the standard treatment for hypothyroidism, but T4 must be converted to the active thyroid hormone, T3. For a number of different reasons, this conversion may not happen well, and people can be left on a medication that doesn’t provide much benefit. In this article, I will be talking about what you can do to get the greatest benefit from your T4 medication.
- Thyroid Eyebrows: Hair loss is a common hypothyroid symptom, and with that comes thinning eyebrow hair as well. This article will help address this problem and offer practical and safe solutions if you find yourself struggling with thinning eyebrows.
Working With Me
Many people ask how they can work with me, or get their questions personally answered by me (or my team). I have developed four online courses — and unlike most courses, mine come with customer support and the ability to get your questions answered!
While I don’t provide medical advice via courses, I do “teach you how to fish” by giving you the tools you need to understand your labs, advocate for yourself, and take charge of your own health.
My most advanced course allows you to submit your questions and even lab results to me, so you can become an expert in your own healing. Some of my courses are live and only offered once per year, while others are self-paced, and can be purchased any time of year. (I do offer steep discounts on those courses now and then, so if you are interested in joining, be sure to stay subscribed to my mailing list if you aren’t already. ;-))
Helping others heal is truly my life’s purpose, and I am so grateful and proud of the work that my team and I are able to do to help you heal. Throughout 2024, I focused on releasing the most helpful courses I could create to help you take back your health. I am grateful that these programs have been a part of the healing journey of thousands of people with Hashimoto’s! So that you can plan ahead, I want to share a summary of some important dates in 2025:
- January 2025: I will be offering a major discount on my tried and true Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program in January. If you are ready to take back your health, I encourage you to enroll in the Hashimoto’s Self-Management Program in January, and do it at your own pace! I will be sending out enrollment links in just a couple of days. Over the last several years, this comprehensive program has had phenomenal outcomes, including the following:
- 97 percent improved their knowledge of Hashimoto’s
- 81 percent saw an improvement/resolution in depression
- 80 percent saw a reduction in stomach pain
- 75 percent saw a reduction in joint pain
- 74 percent saw an improvement in fatigue
- 73 percent saw a reduction in TSH
- 71 percent improved their acid reflux
You can check out the program here to learn more.
- February 2025: We will be opening up enrollment for the next cohort of my Gut Recovery Program – get on the list to be notified. This is an advanced program for people who have a ton of food sensitivities and react to histamines, oxalates, sulfur, and many other types of foods. We focus on healing those food sensitivities and healing the gut (together!). This features Q&As with me and my team. I designed this course specifically to address the gut issues that I so often see with Hashimoto’s – symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux/GERD, stomach pain, headaches, nausea, food sensitivities/intolerance, brain fog, mood swings, and more. I was amazed that beyond digestive symptoms, close to 100 percent of the participants showed improvements in seemingly unrelated things like hives and migraines, among other symptoms.
- March 2025: I’ll be sending out information on how you can join our Root Cause Reset Program. I created the Root Cause Reset to help people shed thyroid symptoms in two weeks via a gentle, yet targeted liver support protocol that is focused on toxin avoidance, food, and supporting detox pathways. I am so proud of the consistent results this program gets after helping people feel better in just two weeks.
This four-step process has helped thousands of people reduce symptoms. Here are some of the latest results:
- 82% reduced weight gain
- 80% experienced less fatigue
- 78% improved feelings of anxiety
- 78% reduced mental fog
- 77% improved feelings of depression
- 77% reduced joint pain
- 75% reduced feelings of nervousness
- 75% experienced less trouble sleeping
- 74% experienced less irritability
- 74% reduced palpitations
Initially, this program was offered in a live format twice per year, but because many of you wanted anytime access to the program, my team and I updated and revised the course to create a self-paced version (big discount coming in March!).
- June 2025: I will be offering my Adrenal Transformation Program again! This program is only offered as a live version, and I am just doing it once a year since the Adrenal Transformation Protocol book is now available. I am so proud of the participants of the program who had diligently followed it and had reported the following results (in just six weeks!):
- Brain fog – 92% improvement
- Fatigue – 89% improvement
- Forgetfulness – 89% improvement
- Anxiety – 86% improvement
- Irritability – 85% improvement
- Sleep – 81% improvement
Get on the mailing list here to stay updated about its release.
New Projects for 2025
I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few years studying additional root causes and solutions, and how to heal various conditions.
In addition to sharing more about how to heal from Hashimoto’s, I am ready to share more about some of the other things I have learned to heal in the last decade…
- This year, I turned in my final manuscript for a new book all about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) root causes and solutions. I’m excited to share it with the world when it’s ready!
- I will also be sharing helpful protocols in my Fullscript portal, such as the “tired mommy protocol”, or an ADHD protocol.
- Livestream: If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, I will be doing a livestream on Jan 8th on nutrient deficiencies with thyroid disorders. I will also be staying on for a Q&A period!
- I’ll also be working on a podcast… more announcements to come!
- In terms of supplements, I have some exciting things in the works for Rootcology for 2025…
- I have high hopes of sharing what I learned in deeply researched and fact-checked future books, that ensure that no stone is left unturned — but for now, I may start with a few articles. Anything in particular you’d like to see me cover?
It has been an honor to serve you, and I hope that these resources have been helpful on your journey. If you have had an “aha” moment or success story from any of them, I’d love to hear about it!
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!
P.S. You can download a free Thyroid Diet Guide, 10 thyroid-friendly recipes, and the Nutrient Depletions and Digestion chapter of my first book for free by signing up for my newsletter. You will also receive occasional updates about new research, resources, giveaways, and helpful information.
For future updates, make sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest!
The post New Year, New Goals 2025 appeared first on Dr. Izabella Wentz, PharmD.