Personal development is a never-ending journey. At first it was a tussle between which best selling book to flip through to ‘change your life’. The scope has only expanded now with podcasts, wellness influencers, retreats and a million other tid-bits offering the very same upgrade. Now with the scope, also expands the confusion. And when there are too many threads to follow, the best advice is to follow what seems simplest.

This is probably why Mel Robbins’ 15-minute routine is gaining an enviable momentum. Sometimes, it isn’t about ordering ceremonial grade Japanese Matcha or spending thousands on a workout class that will leave you feeling inadequate. It’s literally as simple as respecting your alarm, making your bed and moving that precious body of yours, even if it is just for a mere 5-minutes. Ready to revamp your mornings, the Mel Robbins way then?
6 steps to morning glory
1. Don’t hit the snooze button – Respect that alarm as it’s a kickstart to your day. Giving yourself 5-minutes of grace won’t really disbalance your day but it’s about committing to the discipline. If you ace this bit, you’ve already conquered the hardest part of the day!
2. Make your bed – Mel refers to this as “a promise kept no matter what” and that should tell you what a radical change it can make. Making your bed right away, does away with the likelihood of you slithering back into it.
3. Give yourself a high-five in the mirror – In Mel’s words, “It rewires your brain to focus on self-love” and it being the third thing on your to-do list gives it the place of prominence it deserves. Stick with this even if it feels silly and very soon it won’t.
4. Hydrate – Only H2O, and no caffeine for at least 2 hours after you wake up. Your body will thank you for it.
5. Step outside – A “gamechanger” as per Mel, this one’s a non-negotiable and will definitely set the pace for your day ahead, instilling you with a sense of achievement and shaking off every last bit of sleep.
6. Move your body – Literally just 5 minutes and you will feel the dopamine in your bones!
Who is Mel Robbins?
Mel Robbins can somewhat be positioned as the Marie Kondo of the personal development sector. Her advice is often no-nonsense and sometimes even tough. But it’s also incredibly easy to see why in a world plagued with meaningless meanderings from every third person with a mike and camera at their disposal, Mel is gaining ground. Her past experiences involve being a bestselling author, motivational speaker, and former CNN commentator. She became widely known for her 5 Second Rule, a method aimed at overcoming self-doubt and procrastination by counting down from five and taking instant action. Like we said — tough love!
Will you be giving the Mel Robbins’ morning routine a spin anytime soon?