Healthy Eating on a Budget: Smart Strategies forWeight Loss without Breaking the Bank

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Smart Strategies forWeight Loss without Breaking the Bank
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  1. Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense food over processed options
    Prioritizing whole foods while minimizing processed options can have a profound impact on one’s health and well-being. Your grocery and kitchen list should carry more of whole foods as they are filled with vitamins and minerals required for optimum body functions for humans beings

    Science of Processed Foods and complications as below
    Reason for weight gain leading to increased risk of obesity is due to processed foods which are poor in nutrients.

    • Cardiovascular Disease: The Tran’s fats, high sodium levels, and added sugars in processed foods can elevate the risk of heart disease.
    • Diabetes: Processed foods are high in refined carbohydrates and added sugars which leads to development of Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus.
    • Cancer: Processed foods are rich in carbohydrates along with additives and preservative which may in long run lead to cancer
    • Inflammation: Chronic diseases like arthritis, asthma, and depression are due high inflammation in body due to processed foods altering the gut bacteria.
  2. Mean planning reduces food waste and saves money
    1. Meal plan- If you do nothing else on this list, DO THIS ONE. Make list of menu on weekly basis to avoid waste and unwanted purchase which includes snack items also.
    2. Plan for leftovers – Most leftovers only keep for 3-4 days in the fridge. If you’re making something that you know will produce leftovers, make a plan for them.
    3. Use your freezer: To avoid growth of bacteria on food, food can be freeze for same if not in use.
    4. Invest in airtight containers- You don’t have to spend a lot of money on fancy containers.
    5. Practice FIFO – FIFO- is the “first in, first out” rule. Use things which are freeze first.
  3. Utilize sales, discounts and coupons to stretch your budget
    The best way is to always utilize sales, discounts, and coupons to stretch your budget
  4. Bulk buying and batch cooking are cosy effective strategies
    • Bulk buying
    • Buying products in bulk make cost effective and time saving. Eg: as toiletries, canned foods, tissues, tetra pack
    • Batch Cooking: saves time and energy if a person is employed or has a hectic schedule can use this strategy.
  5. DIY alternatives for packaged products can be both nutritious and affordable
    • Tomato Sauce
      Many of the available brands of pasta sauce contain high amounts of added sugar and sodium. All you need is a can of peeled whole tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and salt.
    • Packaged Soup
      An easy and quick meal, soup is a common processed go-to for many of us but these canned
      favourites can be loaded with sodium and additives.
    • Popcorn
      Popcorn made at home save time and also is less is fat content which is healthier.
    • Oatmeal
      Pre-packaged oatmeal can be a time-saver in the morning, these products often contain huge
      amounts of sugar

The post Healthy Eating on a Budget: Smart Strategies forWeight Loss without Breaking the Bank first appeared on Shape U Clinic.

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