Winter Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Winter Diet Plan For Weight Loss
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A winter-specific diet plan for weight loss should be nutrient-dense and provide warmth that is extremely needed during the cold and chilly Indian winters. In India, the extent of winter depends on the particular location of the city or the state. The northern part of India, being far from the equator, experiences harsher winter months than the southern states. 

It is a time when the chilly winter winds often lead to warm and comforting food cravings, but they are not always weight loss-friendly. Even though cosy indulgences might seem tempting in the cold winter months, they might push back one’s goal of losing weight within a stipulated period. However, the good thing is that the markets are flooded in these winter months with nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables loaded with vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres. A well-planned winter diet plan for weight loss is highly crucial to losing a few kilograms from one’s body. Such a winter diet plan for weight loss should mainly focus on the seasonal produce that would help one with balanced nutrition with the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. 


Losing weight in the cold winter can be more stressful than all the other months of the year due to the chilliness in the wind outside and the holiday season, shorter days and the delicious indulgences in the form of calorie-rich sweets and cakes. Also, due to shorter days and less sunlight, people often feel demotivated and depressed, affecting one’s activity levels throughout the day. However, if someone is determined to lose weight, one can lose weight. Some of the essential tips to lose weight in the winter months to lose weight. These tips are based on the suggestions provided by board-certified dietician Dt. Rukhsana Azhar

  1. A winter special diet for weight loss should be followed. As one knows, winter months are famous for nutritious fruits and vegetables, which should be included in a winter diet for weight loss. Warm, healthy foods like soups and stews with seasonal vegetables and lean proteins like chicken and eggs should be regularly incorporated. However, artificial creams and thickeners should be strictly avoided. Also, thermogenic foods such as spices, mainly ginger, cinnamon and turmeric, should be included in a winter diet plan for weight loss
  2. Winter cravings should be controlled this holiday season. Winter is all about plum cakes and sugary items, which need to be avoided. Sweets and candies should be replaced with natural fruits or small portions of real dark chocolates. 
  3. Staying active is important, even though it can be challenging in the cold and depressing winter months. However, one should push themselves and opt for outdoor exercises like simple cardio and weight workouts. Yoga and pilates are great for improving core strength and flexibility, too. 



In India, the winter months are known for their nutritious seasonal fruits and vegetables. These fruits and vegetables are hardly available throughout the year, so they should be included in the winter diet plan for weight loss to avail of all its benefits. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables ensures freshness and taste and provides a variety of nutrients, which would support a specially curated winter diet plan for weight loss. For instance, leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, fenugreek, and mustard greens are some of the green vegetables exclusively found in the winter season in India. Other vegetables like carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes are also filled with nutrients and should be included in an Indian winter diet plan for weight loss. These are readily available and even economically friendly, thus can be included in winter diet plan for weight loss. Fruits like oranges, guava, grapefruits, and other lemons are massive produce during winter. Including these citrus fruits in a winter diet plan for weight loss is essential rather than consuming packaged citrus juices. These whole fruits also contain fibres, which should be a part of a winter diet plan for weight loss


Protein is essential for muscle building and repairing of tissues and muscles. Also, protein keeps one complete for more extended than other nutrients, thus preventing overeating and helping with weight loss. Chicken, eggs, fish, paneer, tofu, lentils, and beans should be present in a winter diet for weight loss. These items are highly protein-rich and readily available, too. Also, due to protein’s complex structure, consuming such high-protein items would help keep one warm in the chilly winter months. 


Foods rich in dietary fibre should be included in a winter diet plan for weight loss. They help maintain proper bowel health, thus aiding in weight loss. Whole fruits, like citrus fruits, are rich in dietary fibre, and lentils and beans also have high dietary fibre content. 


A winter diet plan for weight loss should replace refined carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrate-containing foods like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and many other millet-made foods should be consumed regularly and must be included in a winter diet plan for weight loss. They provide energy and prevent sudden sugar crushes. 


Healthy fats obtained from nuts, seeds, and fruits like avocados and olive oil are crucial for overall health. Nuts and seeds are easily available in the winter months and should thus be included in a winter diet plan for weight loss. If someone is aiming for weight loss, they should consume these healthy fats in moderation as they are calorie-dense. 


The primary way to control one’s weight is to follow a portion control method and eat mindfully. Cold weather often increases one’s appetite. Still, it is important to practice portion control and eat mindfully. One can use smaller bowls and plates to do portion control. Also, even though someone loves a particular food item, it is crucial to eat only in moderation and not overeat. 


The cold and chilly weather in the winter months naturally increases one’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) to keep the body warm. The body keeps one warm by shivering, which is the most natural way of burning calories in this cold weather. 

Winter months bring some seasonal superfoods loaded with vitamins and minerals. These superfoods, such as spinach, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, and fruits like oranges, should be included in the winter diet plan for weight loss



  • Understandably, waking up early in the winter months is difficult. However, to maintain a weight loss routine, one should become active early in the morning through light to medium exercises like yoga, jogging, or running. 
  • The day should start with a glass of hot water, squeezed lemon juice, and a few drops of honey. A few drops of ginger juice can also be added. This is an excellent detox drink that boosts metabolism. 


  • There can be multiple options for weight loss and a winter diet
  • A bowl of steel-cut oats with vegan milk, crushed nuts, and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin, and chia seeds. 
  • Another option could be a bowl of fruit salad. As we know, winter is full of seasonal fruits like oranges, kiwis, apples, grapes, and strawberries. These fruits can be cut into small pieces, along with a bowl of Greek yoghurt and crushed seeds sprinkled over the fruit salad bowl. 


  • This depends on whether someone feels hungry and is, therefore, completely optional. However, this meal must be very light but nutritious. One can consider having one seasonal fruit, like an apple or guava. 
  • A handful of seed mixes can be taken on the go as well. 


  • This is one of the day’s main meals and could be heavier than all the other meals. 
  • A small portion of brown rice or quinoa with a bowl of lentil soup and mixed vegetables containing all the seasonal vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower. For protein, one should add paneer or chicken salad on the side. Curd should be included in almost all the meals of a winter diet plan for weight loss, as it is great for weight loss and gut health. 
  • Those who prefer non-vegetarian dishes could opt for multigrain roti or brown rice with simple vegetable chicken stew with negligible spices and oil. Such chicken stews should be served hot and give a subtle warmth in the winter afternoons. 


  • One cup of green tea or black coffee without any hint of sugar or honey is ideal. The tea can be paired with roasted makhana or peanuts, replacing unhealthy biscuits. 


  • A bowl of chicken stew with lots of seasonal vegetables, hot brown rice, or brown bread.
  • Grilled chicken breast with mashed potatoes and boiled vegetables like beans, carrots, and broccoli with black pepper sprinkled over the top. 
  • Mutton paya soup can be taken along with brown bread toast. This is extremely good for bone health and immunity

FAQs Related To Winter Diet Plan For Weight Loss

What are the best winter foods for weight loss?

DIET4UWELLNESS has already mentioned some of the best winter foods for weight loss in this article, as per suggestions given by Dt. Rukhsana Azhar. A winter diet for weight loss should include all seasonal produce, such as leafy greens, curtsy fruits, and apples, along with healthy nuts and seeds. 

How to control cravings to lose weight in a winter diet plan for weight loss?

Cravings during winter are mainly due to the lack of motivation to be active. The days are usually very gloomy, followed by shorter days and longer nights. Also, as the holiday season goes around, it is difficult to resist the calorie-laden sweet food items like sweets, candies, chocolates, cookies and cakes. One could opt for healthy snack options like foxnuts, peanuts, and other seed mixes to manage these cravings. Packaged carbonated drinks should be replaced with fresh fruit juices and caffeinated drinks like black coffee and green tea without sugar or honey. A balanced diet, including complex carbohydrates, should be followed to prevent any changes or sudden sugar spikes in the blood. 

How can spices help with weight loss in a winter diet?

Spices like turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger help boost metabolism and aid digestion. When these spices are added to a winter diet for weight loss, they still add no extra calories. They are also known to provide warmth along with nutrition. 

Is it okay to include desserts in a winter diet plan for weight loss?

Yes. Everything in moderation should be okay for weight loss, as well. However, if possible, one should opt for healthier dessert options when a sugar craving hits. Options like fresh fruit salad, dry fruit laddoo, and dark chocolate are some of the great options for both sweet taste and nutrition.

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